A message from

The Clan of Puri Naga Studios in Bali

We want to take this moment to send a collective (thank you) Terima Kashi . . Banyak (literally - to receive is to give . . . a lot!)  By enjoying the Nadya Collection, you are helping us - The Nadya Family here in Bali.  We've grown from 5 people to 45 under one roof as it be . . . and another 35 who work off-site in their own homes.  We've learned new skills, shared old ones, met and married spouses, and added children.  All the while continuing to live our lives in a slightly modified traditional way.  We understand even more since the Bali bombing happened here that the world has become a somewhat different place . . . and we want to thank you deeply for your support of our efforts.  We invite you to come yourselves to see the grace and beauty that is Bali - and to visit us at our home with Nadya.

The Clan of Puri Naga Studios

A message from Nadya

P.S.  The same from me - I translated !! 

A Special Thank You for your continuing support and introductions to your many friends - that is what makes it all possible -  one on one encountering each other, and sharing life experiences and limited edition clothing, is the best format for international embrace and discovery. 

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